Matarique Maturique Raíz/Root Tea 4 oz. 113 grams Maturi Mexican Herb
Also known as Maturique or maturi. The Matarique root is yellowish in color and has a semi-woody stem that can measure up to 1 meter long. The tree has radical leaves that grow from one to two per stem and can measure up to 40 cm long. Since ancient times Matarique has been used to counteract different problems, studies have shown that it contains essential oils, alkaloids, tannins, renin and glycosides. This plant is appreciated for its topical uses and in infusions it works as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic.
Benefits of Matarique Root Tea
- Helps fight toothache, headache and chest pain.
- Helps relieve rheumatic pain
- Helps soothe migraine discomfort
- Helps relieve liver pain
- It can work as a purgative
Topical use of Matarique
- Can work as anesthesia
- (Gargling) Relieves sore throats
- Promotes wound healing
- Helps fight rash